Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Fall to Pieces

I didn't update last week, I know, I know. So I managed to finish my toile with minimum fuss. There were quite a few changes to be made, but it didn't take too long. I also sewed on the sleeves, I was pretty pleased because I didn't have to rip them off and start again- I got them right first time! The pattern said to gather the sleeves, however my tutor just told me to ease them in. I'm not sure what is more difficult but I hate gathering so I was pretty pleased!

This week I didn't get a lot done.  I hadn't spent any time in between classes doing the things I didn't need help for- totally my fault. So this week was spent TOTALLY deconstructing my entire toile so I could use it as a pattern. I did, however, get it ripped up and cut out PLUS the front of the bodice done. Sadly I managed to iron a crease into the bust accidently when I was pressing the seams, it just won't come out now :( 

So next week is my final week, I know I'm not going to get it finished in class, but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing. This week I need to cut out my lining and my interfacing and do some stay stitching...I will do it this week...promise!


  1. Hello. I'm sure your dress will be supercute, the pattern looks great. If you like it there is one called 2444 in the same line (Project Runway), which is so cute. I'm making it in green, but check out to see a fantastic bow-version. Good luck!

  2. Thank you :) I'll have to have a look at that one! Good luck with your dressmaking :)

  3. Thanks! I just finished my Simplicity 2444 today and I'm really happy with it. Not at all difficult, so I totally recommend it.
